Mr. Smoozles Goes Nutso – A Top Ten Game
The Independent, a UK national newspaper, has just published a top ten list of free games and they included my game, Mr. Smoozles Goes Nutso, which can be downloaded here. I’m very honoured to be in the list, so huge thanks to Will Coldwell for putting the game in there. (If you don’t know, the …
Mr. Smoozles’ Nutso Nightmare
Competition Results
After a little delay caused by my broadband problems, I finally got around to drawing the winners this evening. Nearly everyone got all three questions right, but a couple got one of the questions wrong, so for completeness’ sake, here are the answers:
Writing for Video Games Competition
To celebrate six years as a freelance writer and game designer, I’m giving away signed copies of my book, Writing for Video Games, to the two lucky winners of this new competition. Four Runners-up will receive key codes to the arcade adventure game, Mr. Smoozles Goes Nutso.
Mr. Smoozles Goes Nutso – A New Review
Considering the game first came out three and a half years ago, I thought that the days of new reviews were over. Then earlier this evening I was sent a link to a great review over at Alternative Magazine Online.
Top Ten Games I Worked On
I was sorely tempted to add Beneath a Steel Sky to my list of Top Ten games in the previous post, but I think that would be bad form because I worked on it. Although I didn’t do any of the writing and design, I still think it’s not something I should put on a …
Mr. Smoozles Goes Nutso – Special Holiday Price!
To celebrate the forthcoming holiday season, Mr. Smoozles Goes Nutso is now on special offer at the new holiday price: 3.99 USD, 3.49 Euro, 2.99 GBP
A few GamesCom thoughts…
I’m still feeling a little tired from the trip and I’ve been back for two days! The years are taking their toll. 🙁 GamesCom was huge! The fact that it was so much larger than last year’s GC in Leipzig shows that it needed to move and is also a source of encouragement that the …
GamesCom 2009
As GamesCom is just a week and a half away I thought I would post. This year I’m hoping to hook up with quite a few clients and friends, as well as help support and promote games I’ve been involved in. Primarily, there’ll be promotion for the Wii version of So Blonde, for which we …
Nearly Two Years
It’s been nearly two years since I released the first version of Mr. Smoozles Goes Nutso. Today is the first time I’ve been aware of anyone visiting the page I set up as a kind of Easter Egg. So, congratulations to the site visitor from Munich – you may well be the first person to …
5-Star Review for Mr. Smoozles Goes Nutso
Over at Reflexive, someone has posted a 5-star review of Nutso. I love it when gamers enjoy the game and make known their appreciation.