Late to update

I have been neglecting the “blog” side of my site for some time but I hope to remedy that. Obviously, the site has been undergoing some changes and this page will reflect that, too, with an increased emphasis on the books I’ve written and will be writing. I hope this will continue to be something …

OLIN TV Interview

I had great fun doing this interview. Thanks to the guys at OLIN TV. Links to things I mentioned.Mr. Smoozles Goes Nutso – and Earth – game (in progress) –

Big Update

I’ve been updating the blog pages and adding a number of new ones to make them easier to keep updated. My main website became a little stale and difficult to keep on top of. Any feedback or suggestions greatly welcome.

Clearing out

It’s been a while since I did any proper maintenance on my blog and I’ve just had to work through thousands of pending comments, most of which were spam. If I’ve inadvertently deleted a comment of yours then I’m sorry for doing so. You’ll also notice that I’ve changed the appearance quite considerably. I hope …