London Screenwriters’ Festival

Having just spent a couple of very full and inspiring days at the London Screenwriters’ Festival (#londonswf on Twitter) I thought I would write a few words on the train back to York. As last year, an overwhelming sense of friendliness and helpfulness pervaded the whole event, particularly amongst fellow writers with whom I managed …


For those of you who don’t know, I’ve been on Twitter for more than six months.  At first I only joined out of curiosity and I’m not quite sure why I stuck with it, but after it gained a certain amount of momentum with the number of people I followed I began to see the …

Twitter is great, but…

…I’ve learned that I’ve got to treat it with caution. My first impressions of Twitter were that it simply consisted of sub-trivial nonsense, but I stuck with it and realised that it’s a lot of fun and can also be very useful if you follow the right Twits.  People who regularly post links to interesting …