Something new…

… at least, something not connected to So Blonde. 🙂 I’ve been experimenting a little with a new style. Not fully sure, yet, how it will actually work in game and which game I’m going to use it on, but I think it would be fun to do.

Creativity in games 2

Either I’ve not been paying attention or there’s a lot more creativity coming out of the gaming woodwork at the moment than there ever has been. I just saw an article on Eurogamer about the forthcoming game, Love. This looks like a truly creative and exciting project and something I find intriguing, particularly as, with …

Creativity in games

Yesterday evening I was over at Hull University giving a talk to the local section of the British Computer Society entitled, Games – the Creative and the Technical. Basically, I looked at how the technology of tools and modern game engines allows developers to unleash their creativity. One of the great things about the games …

Notes on Game Dev

Beth Dillon asked me if I’d link to Notes on Game Dev, which is a blog style editorial on art and design topics. I’ve not read an awful lot of it yet, but what I’ve seen so far looks very interesting and highly relevant. Much more so than my own blog at the moment. So …

Writing Awards

The Writers Guild of America announced last year that it would be creating a new award aimed at game writers. More recently it announced the shortlist, amongst which was the game The Witcher. But because I am not a member of the WGA or its New Media Caucus I was not included in the list …

Hear My Dulcet Tones…

Well, listen to my weird voice, anyway. 🙂 Although GC in Leipzig was two months ago, the guys over at Adventure-Treff have finally posted a video interview that they conducted with me. I’ve done a lot of e-mail and MSN messenger interviews and with that format I always have a chance to think about my …

Daily Crescendo

I’m in the middle of designing a game. Although it’s hard to be objective about a work in progress, it’s possibly the best design I’ve worked on. (Best being completely relative of course.) The design is much more non-linear than anything else I’ve worked on, which naturally throws up a lot of detail and complexity, …

Plotting Talk

I gave a talk on plotting last night at a meeting of York Writers. I was pretty nervous, as many of the writers have been published, and wondered how they would take what I had to say. Thankfully, they all seemed to enjoy it and it fired up some interesting discussion afterwards, which resulted in …