Games Forum Germany

Next week I’m talking at the Games Forum Germany. I was rather surprised when I was invited and, of course, very honoured. I hope I give a talk they’ll be pleased with. I decided to talk about aspects of character, but I didn’t want to go down the route of it being an instructional talk, …

GamesCom 2009

As GamesCom is just a week and a half away I thought I would post. This year I’m hoping to hook up with quite a few clients and friends, as well as help support and promote games I’ve been involved in. Primarily, there’ll be promotion for the Wii version of So Blonde, for which we …

Leipzig Fun

I just got back from Leipzig and while I’m waiting for millions of e-mails to download I thought I’d post some thoughts and comments about the show and some of the goings on. Firstly, the main reason I was there in the first place: So Blonde – Nintendo VersionIn a very well-attended press conference, DTP …

Leipzig 2008

Hooray, I’m going again. And posting again. 🙂 I’ll be at the game convention on the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Last year was so insane with meetings and interviews that I felt I had no time to myself. This year, though, DTP have left me with Friday to myself so that I can see the …

Adventure Developers Online Conference at Adventure Europe

Over at the Adventure Europe site, they are once again hosting and online conference where they pull together a number of developers and publishers to answer questions during allocated slots over the three days it takes place. More details can be found here. I’m actually going to be doing two sessions.The first one will cover …

Hear My Dulcet Tones…

Well, listen to my weird voice, anyway. 🙂 Although GC in Leipzig was two months ago, the guys over at Adventure-Treff have finally posted a video interview that they conducted with me. I’ve done a lot of e-mail and MSN messenger interviews and with that format I always have a chance to think about my …