OLIN TV Interview

I had great fun doing this interview. Thanks to the guys at OLIN TV. Links to things I mentioned.Mr. Smoozles Goes Nutso – http://www.juniper-games.com/smoozles/smoozles.htmBlood and Earth – https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08H6TKJDHCrow-Girl game (in progress) – https://www.crow-girl.com/crow-girl-the-great-crow/

A little bit Ziggy

  David Bowie is dead.   Both my heart and mind are struggling with this fact.  How can he be dead when I have a new album to listen to?  How can he be dead when all I see online this week are posts that link to his many powerful performances?  How can he be …

It’s a bit like X-Factor…

A friend of mine is in the band, The Theory is Sound, and they shortly have their first album coming out.  Before then, they want help choosing which song to release as a single.  Here’s the information from the band: Participate in the vote for the Theory is Sound’s first singlel!  Leave your name and …