Story to Nowhere – big update
I’ve been wondering about the future of Story to Nowhere, but rather than be hasty about it I decided to give it a bit of a re-vamp and see where that would take it.
I’ve been wondering about the future of Story to Nowhere, but rather than be hasty about it I decided to give it a bit of a re-vamp and see where that would take it.
I was looking at my site log for yesterday and saw that there was hardly anyone visiting the Story to Nowhere pages. My impression is that it’s been like this for a little while – perhaps the initial impetus was lost when I put the strip on a short hiatus a while back. Perhaps it’s …
I’ve just posted a new Mitchell cartoon. I’d previously been posting twice a week on Mondays and Fridays, but I’ve decided to increase this to three times a week and will be possting on Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays. The natural thing might bave been to post on Mon-Wed-Fri, but this would have clashed with Mr. …
I’ve just posted another in the series, The Life and Times of Charlie the Intelligent Custard. I’m not sure it’s quite working as well as it could do, so I want everyone to help. If you have a great idea for something Charlie could be thinking (keep it short and pithy) then drop me a …
This morning I posted the fourth of my new Mitchell cartoons. I’m currently updating on Mondays and Fridays but may increase this in the new year to three times a week. I currently have ideas written down for about 40 cartoons, which will keep me going for a little while. I’ve also been updating Story …
I’ve just posted the latest Story to Nowhere episode. This is the 50th episode and it seems that I’ve reached this minor milestone very quickly. Although the 50th episode coincides with a very powerful moment, I didn’t design it this way as I’m not thinking ahead as I create it, taking each one as it …
I’ve been updating the Story to Nowhere pages on a daily basis so far. How long I can keep this up I don’t know, but I’ll continue with this schedule while I’m able. The first strip can be found here and the latest one here.
A further update on Story to Nowhere. I also updated Mr. Smoozles yesterday.
I thought I’d follow on quickly with the second strip to get a little momentum going.
Story to Nowhere is something new. I wanted to create something that was quick to update, in terms of the art and writing and something that I wouldn’t write in advance. For each “episode” I will create the art and then write the words to fit. It will grow more organically than my previous “strips” …
Just found this photo of a sculpture of Eddie Riggs. What a great sculptor this guy is!
… at least, something not connected to So Blonde. 🙂 I’ve been experimenting a little with a new style. Not fully sure, yet, how it will actually work in game and which game I’m going to use it on, but I think it would be fun to do.