Mitchell update

I’ve just posted a new Mitchell cartoon. I’d previously been posting twice a week on Mondays and Fridays, but I’ve decided to increase this to three times a week and will be possting on Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays. The natural thing might bave been to post on Mon-Wed-Fri, but this would have clashed with Mr. …

New Mitchell cartoon

This morning I posted the fourth of my new Mitchell cartoons. I’m currently updating on Mondays and Fridays but may increase this in the new year to three times a week. I currently have ideas written down for about 40 cartoons, which will keep me going for a little while. I’ve also been updating Story …

Story to Nowhere reaches 50!

I’ve just posted the latest Story to Nowhere episode. This is the 50th episode and it seems that I’ve reached this minor milestone very quickly. Although the 50th episode coincides with a very powerful moment, I didn’t design it this way as I’m not thinking ahead as I create it, taking each one as it …

Story to Nowhere updates

I’ve been updating the Story to Nowhere pages on a daily basis so far. How long I can keep this up I don’t know, but I’ll continue with this schedule while I’m able. The first strip can be found here and the latest one here.

Story to Nowhere

Story to Nowhere is something new. I wanted to create something that was quick to update, in terms of the art and writing and something that I wouldn’t write in advance. For each “episode” I will create the art and then write the words to fit. It will grow more organically than my previous “strips” …

Something new…

… at least, something not connected to So Blonde. 🙂 I’ve been experimenting a little with a new style. Not fully sure, yet, how it will actually work in game and which game I’m going to use it on, but I think it would be fun to do.