Updated Books Page
I have just updated my books page with information about two recent books I published, Mr. Smoozles and Story to Nowhere. Please check it out.
I have just updated my books page with information about two recent books I published, Mr. Smoozles and Story to Nowhere. Please check it out.
After some very useful advice on Twitter I managed to get the 2D look I want in Unity. Extra cool.
I just updated the portrait of Caroline for Caroline’s Secret.
The last couple of days I’ve been working on a number of things connected with Caroline’s Secret, my personal project. One of these was the story, which has been troubling me for a little while and now I’m much happier with. The other is the portrait of Caroline, above. This is an early version and …
If any of you tried to come here over the last couple of weeks you’ll have noticed the blog was down. This was due to a problem with the database which even changing server didn’t fix. The tech guys at my hosting provider eventually tracked it down to some weirdness with the username. So, it’s back …
In order for the new Story to Nowhere project to work I’m going to be updating some of the images used in the original. Here’s an example of how I’m re-working the images.
I’ve been playing around with ideas for continuing Story to Nowhere as a game (maybe even a series of them) and this test screenshot shows the way I’m thinking about the art direction.
It didn’t take me long to realise that I couldn’t stay away from Mike and his life. However, I’ve changed the format and am now doing it as a series of journal entries on a blog: Story to Nowhere – Mike’s Journal. There will be no art in this current section of the project but …
In spite of the title, Story to Nowhere has arrived at a place where I feel it’s best to stop. For those of you who have been following the story you may well appreciate why.
Today I posted the 100th episode of Story to Nowhere! It’s certainly been an interesting journey so far, trying not to think too far ahead, discovering the characters and what happens to them as I go along, not knowing if it will work. I still don’t know if it will work, but I’m finding it …
I’ve been wondering about the future of Story to Nowhere, but rather than be hasty about it I decided to give it a bit of a re-vamp and see where that would take it.
I was looking at my site log for yesterday and saw that there was hardly anyone visiting the Story to Nowhere pages. My impression is that it’s been like this for a little while – perhaps the initial impetus was lost when I put the strip on a short hiatus a while back. Perhaps it’s …