So Blonde Review – 4 stars

The gaming site, Adventure Gamers, has just published their review of So Blonde in which they awarded it 4 stars (out of 5, in case you were wondering). “Top-notch writing; compelling story with some meaningful undertones; well-rounded, likeable characters; spectacular graphics; excellent voice acting; rich environments to explore.”Thank you Andrea for a great review.

Blimey, Another Interview

Those awfully nice people over at Adventure Gamers have been kind enough to publish another interview with me on the subject of the game, So Blonde. This time they also took the opportunity to include Jerome Britneff-Bondy from the fabulous Wizarbox team and the resultant piece feels quite substantial. Do be a good sport and …

So Blonde review at EGC Games

Those very nice people at EGC Games have just published a review of So Blonde and given it a score of 84%. Why not pop over there and read their words of wisdom.

Spanish So Blonde Intro

In case you missed the posting by Lint in the comments for the Adventure Corner interview, the Spanish version of the So Blonde intro has just been posted on YouTube.

Award nomination

Although it was announced on Saturday, I’ve only just discovered the news that I’ve been nominated for an award. At the Writers Guild of Great Britain Awards, no less. The nomination is in the following category: Best Videogame Script Rhianna Pratchett – OverlordTom Jubert – Penumbra Black PlagueRhianna Pratchett, Tameem Antoniades and Andy Serkis – …

Leipzig Fun

I just got back from Leipzig and while I’m waiting for millions of e-mails to download I thought I’d post some thoughts and comments about the show and some of the goings on. Firstly, the main reason I was there in the first place: So Blonde – Nintendo VersionIn a very well-attended press conference, DTP …