Hello from Paris

I’m in Paris doing some promotional work for So Blonde. The original intention was to combine this with a short holiday with June, but she had a fall before we came away and wasn’t up to the trip. So I find myself alone in my hotet room with some time to spare so I thought …

Lovely Mr. Smoozles

I’ve just received the latest strip from Stefano and have posted it on the website. He’s adding a wonderful depth to the strips with his approach. We’re going to have lots of fun with this storyline. Stay tuned for more updates!

Another Mr. Smoozles Strip

After a slight delay, another strip has been posted on the Mr. Smoozles site. Stefano is beginning to get into his stride, I think. Let us know what you think of the latest direction.

More Mr. Smoozles

The second of the new strips with art by Stefano has just gone up onto the Mr. Smoozles site. It feels a little strange seeing someone else “handle” my characters, but as long as Stefano continues to do a great job I’ll be happy.

Re-Introducing Mr. Smoozles

Mr. Smoozles makes a comeback with a new strip today! Artist Stefano Collavini contacted me a few weeks ago about the possibility of drawing the strip. It’s taken him a little while to fully get into the characters (much of that being that I’m a picky sod ove my characters) but we’re at last up …

Comic Strip Hiatus again

It looks like the comic strips are going to be on an extended hiatus for the forseeable future. So far, I’ve had no luck in finding artists to help me out that would maintain the kind of style I would want for the strip. Although it isn’t something I want to do, I’m entering a …

Comic Strip Hiatus

As much as I’d love to press on with the comic strips, they really have been taking up more time than I would like and I need to put more emphasis on my writing, particularly over the coming months with the game related projects I’m becoming involved in. I’ve also been putting off the development …