My Game Writing Lab at the London Screenwriters’ Festival

After an overview piece in my last post I thought I’d write something more about the game writing lab I conducted.  This was a workshop aimed at LSWF delegates who had an interest in discovering more about the details of game writing. After being invited to speak on the game writing panel at last year’s …

London Screenwriters’ Festival

Having just spent a couple of very full and inspiring days at the London Screenwriters’ Festival (#londonswf on Twitter) I thought I would write a few words on the train back to York. As last year, an overwhelming sense of friendliness and helpfulness pervaded the whole event, particularly amongst fellow writers with whom I managed …

Game Writing Lab – an update

Because the London Screenwriters’ Festival is primarily a screenwriting event, we decided to make the game writing lab as inclusive as possible in order to be fair to everyone who wishes to take part.  We have therefore modified the submission requirements. Please check it out and note that there are still ten days to submit …